Notice: Please visit for our latest Marketing Engineering software
Marketing Engineering for Excel has reached end of life and is no longer receiving updates. Please visit to explore our newest online marketing analytics platform which is designed to replace the Marketing Engineering for Excel add-in.
Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.


All Marketing Engineering Models Now Available Through Enginius

on . Posted in News

Enginius Update for academic use

Enginius is our newest marketing analytics platform that runs marketing engineering models online. Desktop installations are no longer necessary meaning:

  • No more struggles for Mac or Chromebook users.
  • No more installation difficulties due to the many variations of Windows and Excel.
  • Far easier for both students and instructors

We have recently released both Bass and Resource Allocation models to reach full parity with Marketing Engineering for Excel (MEXL) models. The following models are currently available for use on the Enginius platform:

  1. Segmentation
  2. Positioning
  3. Conjoint Analysis
  4. Predictive Modeling
  5. Price Optimization
  6. GE Matrix
  7. Customer Lifetime Value
  8. Bass Forecasting
  9. Resource Allocation

We encourage all existing MEXL instructors to evaluate and consider Enginius for use in upcoming courses as further model development will occur only on the Enginius platform. Enginius allows students to get up and running quickly and only requires an internet connection and web browser to operate. The Enginius architecture makes it convenient for students to use the software anywhere there is an internet connection, whether in a classroom teaching lab, on their personal computer, or in a university computer lab.

To test Enginius for use in the classroom, please visit the Enginius website to register your account and receive your complimentary instructor license:

Student Enginius Use

Enginius is currently available for students with a Marketing Engineering for Excel student software subscription. Once students have subscribed to the Marketing Engineering for Excel student software package, they may obtain an Enginius license from the DecisionPro website under the “Access Enginius” link.

student software access

Coming this Winter...

  • Ability to custom design courses with only the models/business cases that you need in Enginius.
  • Updated instructor PowerPoint teaching materials tuned to Principles of Marketing Engineering Edition 3.

New Enginius model - Panel Data Analysis: Available Spring 2019

Our first Enginius-only model will be Panel Data Analysis. Panel Data Analysis allows students to assess the effectiveness of marketing spending online when there are multiple observations of the same customer online over time, increasingly common in our digital world.

We are currently testing Panel Data Analysis in several classroom settings and anticipate its release in Enginius along with at least one case for before Spring Semester 2019.

If have any questions or feedback on Enginius, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and our support team will get back to you.

Best regards,
Gary Lilien
Arvind Rangaswamy
Arnaud De Bruyn

Tags: Enginius