Notice: Please visit for our latest Marketing Engineering software
Marketing Engineering for Excel has reached end of life and is no longer receiving updates. Please visit to explore our newest online marketing analytics platform which is designed to replace the Marketing Engineering for Excel add-in.
Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.


Enginius Update

on . Posted in News

Enginius, our cloud-based marketing analytics platform, is designed to allow Marketing Engineering models to be run online without a desktop installation. This means 
  • No more struggles for Mac or Chromebook users. 
  • No more installation difficulties due to different versions of Windows and Excel or to restrictions on installation of “unauthorized” software. 
The models and associated cases and solution currently available for use through Enginius are: 
  1. Segmentation 
  2. Positioning 
  3. Conjoint Analysis 
  4. Predictive Modeling 
  5. Price Optimization 
  6. GE Matrix  * NEW
  7. Customer Lifetime Value  * NEW

Bass Forecasting Model and Resource Allocation will be available by June 1.

test-enginiusAn Invitation to Instructors: Evaluate Enginius NOW for use in any upcoming courses. Enginius currently includes most of the Marketing Engineering business cases in user platform independent form. And additional models and cases are under development! (Note: future Marketing Engineering models and cases will be developed under the Enginius platform only). 

To evaluate Enginius, log into your instructor account and click the Test Enginius link. If you do not yet have an instructor account, please request one. Once your request is reviewed and approvied, you will have access to all the Marketing Engineering and Enginius instructor software and materials.

We look forward to your reactions!


Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) v2.1.1

A (maintenance) release of ME>XL scheduled for the beginning of July. This release will address the following:

  • compatibility issues drawing charts with older versions of Excel
  • resolution issues with newer versions of Windows and ultra-high-resolution displays.

Additional details will be provided later this summer.

Coming this Summer

    • An instructor webinar on Enginius and
    • Updated instructor PowerPoint teaching materials aligned to the Marketing Engineering models and to chapters in Principles of Marketing Engineering and Analytics Ed 3.

If you have any questions on our upcoming products, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and our support team will get back to you.


Tags: Enginius